Research on the image of Noh in the media
Leader: KODAMA Ryūichi
Member: IJIMA Mitsuru, IMAOKA Kentarō, NAKAO Kaoru, TERADA Shima, IGAWA Mayuko, BEPPU Mariko
In this study, researchers from fields outside Noh will undertake research on Noh theatre as viewed from its periphery. Certain images of Noh are widespread in Japanese society, even among those who have little to do with it, or no experience of having seen it. In order to clarify the nature of these images, this research will first survey the representation of Noh in Japanese theatre magazines, especially those associated with non-Noh genres.
Research Result
In this study, we tried to organize, arrange and investigate the following:
1) Articles on Noh Play in theatre magazines (journals) which are not considered to specialize in Noh Play.
2) Theatre materials related to Noh Plays.
We selected those magazines which are considered to be at the farthest end
as Noh magazines, and digitalized the magazines such as Kabuongyoku,Engei, Geikai
and Geinou . Also as a preview task of the above, we obtained and digitalized the entiremagazine catalogue, that is 32000 items, from Shochiku Ohtani Library.
We were also able to work in cooperation with the above museum to organize and digitalize the Kabuki kakinuki(line note) among others (including MatsuBame mono)
In cooperative work with other institutes, we could digitalize articles relating to Noh Play and Bugaku from the scrapbooks owned by National Research Institute for Cultural Properties,Tokyo.
When we look at audiovisual materials, we learn from the articles of the “85th year of Traditional Art Broadcasting” that we can rearrange Noh programs to make possible to browse and search the titles, artists and schools. Thus we began the task to create the database which maybe used for organizing and investigating Noh programs of NHK Broadcasting. Because of
the volume of the items, we must consider this as our future work, but we wish to make this a vital database concerning audiovisual materials of Noh Play.
中尾 薫(口頭発表)「「物着」の身体――人格変化の演技法からみる能の演劇性」、日仏演劇学会(ストラスブール大学2014年10月16日)
児玉竜一(口頭発表)「A Media Hisotry of Kabuki and Actor’s Body(嶋崎聡子、埋忠美沙、Yasar Kerim、Jonathan Zwicker)」、AAS=アジア学会(シカゴ2015年3月28日)
飯島 満(論文)「フィルモン音帯一覧」、『無形文化遺産研究報告』9号(2015年3月)
中尾 薫(口頭発表)「「夢幻能」という用語の使用例から能の近代史をたどる」、東アジア古典演劇の「伝統」と「近代」研究會
児玉竜一(論文)「デニショーン舞踊団と七代目松本幸四郎――リンカーン・センター所蔵フィルムから」、図録『Who Dance?』(早稲田大学演劇博物館2015年12月)所収
飯島 満(監修・評論)「文楽人形遣い二代目吉田玉男 新たな舞台へ」、『伝統と文化』39号(2016年1月)
This project studies the images and understandings of Noh viewed from its periphery, surveying later performing arts as well as written and audio-visual materials, with special emphasis in its initial stages on Japanese theatre magazines (especially those associated with non-Noh genres).
The question of how Noh is treated in theatrical periodicals reflects the image of Noh within theatre in general, and a study of its history will verify when Noh came to be included within the category of theatre. We plan a continuing survey of various elements involved in the view of Noh from without, and materials concerning its relation with later performing arts. We hope that our survey and research efforts will contribute to fostering the joint and complementary use of theatrical periodicals, reciprocal relations between institutions, and the compilation of a union catalogue and comprehensive
index of the contents of theatrical periodicals.
The most outstanding accomplishment of this academic year was the digitalization of the periodical holdings of Shōchiku Ōtani Library, which were out of the reach of the CiNii search engine (approx. 32,000 items). We also began work on the digitalization of the journals Kabu ongyoku, Engei, and Geikai, as well as the compilation of a comprehensive index of Engei gahō. Initial steps have also been made toward digitalizing clippings from non-specialist magazines and journals collected by the Noh Research Archives of Musashino University. In the next academic year we plan to locate and digitalize missing volumes of the magazine Nōgaku gahō, and make steps toward organizing the various scrapbooks that we imagine cause problems for the staff of the various institutions.