Noh in high school education and suggestions for innovation: as a model case for education in traditional culture
Leader: SATŌ Kazumichi
Member: TAMURA Keiko, IWAGI Kentarō
Aims: 1. To clarify problematical issues in education about the traditional performing arts, through analysis of textbooks and teaching manuals on Noh and Kyogen plays featured in textbooks for kokugo (Japanese) instruction from the Meiji era to the present. 2. To develop new materials and teaching manuals more suited for contemporary society.
Methods: First, 174 early textbooks (for high schools under the old system) and 294 postwar textbooks (for senior high schools) are to be surveyed. These have been selected according to information on their contents in TASAKA Fumio ed. Kyūsei chūtō kyōiku kokugoka kyōkasho naiyō sakuin (Kyōkasho Kenkyū Sentaa/Japan Textbook Center, 1984) and ANNO Izumi comp. Kyōkasho keisai sakuhin 13000 (Nichigai Associates, 2008). Our analysis will verify how these textbooks were used to teach about Noh, and clarify problematic issues.
Second, we will suggest new possibilities for education in traditional culture, exploring the common ground shared by Noh and other genres, such as modern literature and theatre, and the subculture genres of film, manga and anime. We will propose a method for instruction that overcomes the borders between subjects, envisaging coordination between music (even now required to include instruction in traditional music), physical education (physical expression) and Japanese art (Noh masks). This should become a model case for comprehensive education in traditional culture, supplanting the superficial understanding gained by means of isolated opportunities to “experience” or “appreciate” traditional culture.
Research Results
This project has below two components. Component 1 is to study Japanese language textbooks from the Meiji period to the present day to clarify the problems of traditional arts education. And component 2 is to build new teaching materials and a method in line with the modern society.
1. Sato conducted a survey of 174 high school textbooks before 1945 and 294 textbooks after 1945 at the library of National Institute for Educational Policy Research. The outline of this study was reported at the 14th annual meeting of the Association for Noh and Kyogen on June 21, 2015. Iwagi studied Noh works based on the military epic, such as “Heike Monogatari, Tale of Heike” and “Genpei Jōsuiki, Rise and fall of Heike and Genji”. In addition Iwagi investigated all of the current textbooks including elementary school, junior and senior high school, Japanese language, history and music textbook. It was reported at the monthly meeting of the Association for Noh and Kyogen on Feb.29, 2016.
2. Tamura collected novels, theater, movies, manga and anime in the 2000s and later related to Noh works to make a teaching plan using these materials. Achievement of her study summarized as ” Re / presenting Noh education – performing arts to the hub teaching materials” is expected to post to academic journals. Sato and Sano made a teaching plan with “active learning” method, and demonstrated in Nagoya High School. It was reported at the monthly meeting of the Association for Noh and Kyogen mentioned above.
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